in disease early interception


Our Science & Pipeline

At MiRXES, we harness the power of RNA to deliver early, actionable and personalized diagnoses across the care continuum to improve and save lives. Prevention is better than cure.

With early detection, mitigating risk factors and implementing prevention strategies, most cancer deaths can be prevented.

Our science opens us to a world without late-stage cancer diagnoses. This is how we improve and save lives.

MiRXES endeavors to be at the forefront of disease early detection and interception.

Delivering Our Solutions

One in four people has cancer in the world today. At MiRXES, we know the importance of science in the fight against cancer.

We understand that to make the most impact in improving and saving lives, we must translate and deliver our innovative solutions from the lab to clinic.

Read more about how our solutions that range from industry-leading discovery tools and services to diagnostic tests for cancer, cardiovascular, metabolic and infectious diseases, and precision oncology can enable you to act sooner – when it matters most.

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